DTZ - Bonn

BBZ Sprachenschule GmbH - Standort Bonn ,Kennedybruecke ,Bonn ,53225


Seats Available

5 / 5

Exam Date

28.03.2025 (Fri)

Reg. Until

08.03.2025(10:00 AM)

Exam Time

09:00 AM


German test for immigrants

Your final language test for the completed integration course is the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ). The language test is standardized and serves to determine your acquired German language skills at level A2 and B1. Your language test will be carried out at our locations on behalf of the company g.a.s.t. By participating in our integration course and taking the final DTZ exam, you will acquire sufficient language skills to cope with everyday life without outside help.

Prerequisite for the DTZ language test:
-You must have knowledge of the Latin script
-You are at least 16 years old
-You have a valid authorization to participate in an integration course
-or you have previously completed at least one course section in an integration course

Exam location:
BBZ Sprachenschule GmbH
Kennedybrücke 2 - 4
53225 Bonn-Beuel
Phone: 0228 28627200
E-Mail: bonn@bbz.kiry.de

Examination rules

Please note the following important information:

  • You will only be admitted to the exam with a valid ID document! If the document has expired, even if it is only for 1 day, you will not be admitted to the examination
  • You must hand in all bags, jackets and coats!
    Sweatshirts and cardigans are also prohibited in the examination room. The examination room will be heated, if you are slightly cold we recommend that you wear a sweater
  •  Your cell phone(s) must be switched off and handed in before the start of the exam.
     Smartwatches or other electronic devices must also be handed in before the start of the exam.
  • Drinking bottles are permitted in the examination room if they are transparent and not labeled.
  • You may take the following items into the examination room:
    - Identity document
    - Glasses (without case)
    - Drinking bottle as prescribed
    - Medication if required in consultation with the invigilators
  • Follow the instructions of the invigilators, otherwise you will be excluded from the examination

Fee 160 €
Exam has expired.
160 €
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